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    The law of the People''s Republic of China. 2005:compiled by the Legislative Affairs Commission of the Standing Committee of the National People''s Congress of the People''s Republic of China

    作者:compiled by the Legislative Affairs Commission of the Standing Committee of the National People''s Congress of the People''s Republic of China 出版社:法律出版社 出版时间:2006 ISBN:7-5036-6698-6
    索书号:D920.9/86/2005 分类号:D920.9 页数:293页 价格:400.00
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    Folk new year pictures:compiled by Lan Xianlin

    作者:compiled by Lan Xianlin 出版社:外文出版社 出版时间:2008 ISBN:978-7-119-04675-4
    索书号:J218.3/2 分类号:J218.3 页数:155页 价格:98.00
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    Folk embroidery:compiled by Li Youyou

    作者:compiled by Li Youyou 出版社:外文出版社 出版时间:2008 ISBN:978-7-119-04673-0
    索书号:J523.6/3 分类号:J523.6 页数:145页 价格:98.00
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    中国古代名人名言:compiled by Mu Zi

    作者:compiled by Mu Zi 出版社:外文出版社 出版时间:2007 ISBN:978-7-119-05161-1
    索书号:H195.5/9 分类号:H195.5 页数:171页 价格:56.00
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    本书收录了中国古代名人遗留下来的语录, 内容涵盖修养、读书、感情、待人、处世、政治、哲理等方面, 每句名言都附上解读与译文。
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